Center for Culture: Art, Training and Education

The Center for Culture: Art, Training and Education (CCATE) is a non-profit organization whose goal is to empower the Hispanic community in the greater Montgomery County area in PA. Our vision is to assist the Latinx community in making their dreams come true. CCATE’s mission is to empower through the promotion of culture, art, education and work training. In this way CCATE embraces four key sectors for a successful community: culture, art, training, and education.

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At CCATE volunteers are tasked with a wide range of responsibilities. Whatever your skills, it is certain you can contribute simply as existing as a part of CCATE’s community. Their constant and most common need for volunteers is for the Technology room which is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. They are also regularly looking for people to speak at or help with workshops.

If you would like to volunteer in any area, or have questions about volunteering please contact CCATE’s Director Obed Arango Hisijara (


Location: 329 E Main St, Norristown, PA 19401


Phone: (484) 685-3633