Category Archives: Spoken Word

Arts Sanctuary

Art Sanctuary, founded in North Philadelphia, uses the power of black art to transform individuals, unite groups of people, and enrich, and draw inspiration from the inner city. Board and staff members have worked hard for twelve years to create a learning culture adequate to support the mission.  We present, produce, commission, create, and teach artistic excellence. We hustle to pay for it. The art must be life-giving, not comfortable and happy-happy, but enriching to a community long hobbled by scarcity and injustice. Our work now is to keep advancing: with a new building, stronger infrastructure, and new technologies. For excellence in the arts. In the community. For real.

Volunteer Opportunities include:

  • Office Assistance
  • Events / Greeters
  • Ushers
  • Production Assistance
  • …and much more!


See to learn more about opportunities for volunteers.

Phone: 215-232-4485


Location: 628 South 16th Street Philadelphia, PA

*This site is accessible via public transportation from the Bryn Mawr campus.

Please see transportation reimbursement policy.

First Person Arts Volunteer


2013 Grand Slam Pictured: Bill Mettler Photo credit: Jen Cleary © First Person Arts
2013 Grand Slam
Pictured: Bill Mettler
Photo credit: Jen Cleary
© First Person Arts

First Person Arts transforms the drama of real life into memoir and documentary art to foster appreciation for our unique and shared experiences. We believe that everyone has a story to tell, and that sharing our stories connects us with each other and the world.

The Annual First Person Arts Festival is the only festival of its kind in the world, dedicated to memoir and documentary writing. Occurring in November, it features powerful personal stories from leading national artists and everyday people, as well as food programs, workshops, tours and panels. Volunteers help before the festival to get the word out, and during the festival with ushering, ticket sales and production.

Volunteers and interns are essential members of the First Person Arts community. Throughout the year, they help with marketing, development, programming, and other First Person Arts needs.

Story Market at the Wyck House
Story Market at the Wyck House
© First Person Arts

Intern Opportunities include:

  • Development Intern
  • Marketing Intern
  • Photography Intern
  • Programming Intern
  • Video Intern


Phone: 267-402-2055

Location: 100 South Broad Street, Suite 2212, Philadelphia PA 19110